Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year 2015!!!

Wishing you all a fantastic New Year!

♥ ♥ ♥ HUGS ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, December 29, 2014

Looking forward to 2015!

Dear Readers,

Months ago I had started planning many blog posts for December. I had so many projects in mind and I contemplated a myriad of ideas about miniature scenes to display... but I soon realized that none of my plans would become possible.

My bedrooms had to be renovated and this could not wait any further. All the furniture were moved into the living and dining rooms. I could not access my photo studio anymore.  My dolls and miniature remained sadly in their boxed prisons and concealed neatly inside my cabinets.

And then I dropped my phone and it broke, so I no longer could take photos either and had to wait for its replacement.  To top it off, my mood was spiraling downward because of my strict diet and sugar withdrawal symptoms.

December was a month full of frustration for me as the renovation took much longer than anticipated due to factors out of my control so I could not do anything but wait.  But at last, the wait is now over.  The bedrooms have been redone, the furniture are back into their original spot and I can finally be reunited with my hobbies!  

In addition to my mini photo studio, I now have a proper desk to paint and store my craft supplies!  I really look forward to the new possibilities for 2015!

Today, I took a few photos that I really have been wanting to stage since last Christmas.  The Snow Queen is one of my favorite fairy tale and when I saw DAL Dotori, I instantly fell in love with her because she reminded me of Gerda!

"Please take me to the Snow Queen!"

En route to save Kai!

I wish you all a wonderful New Year!  Cheers to 2015!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Winner of the Re-ment Curry Set

Dear Readers,

There were 16 entries for the Re-ment Curry Set Giveaway!  Well there were 17 comments but one person didn't want to participate in the giveaway.

I used the number generator and the winner is #4: LAURENCE!!!

Congrats Laurence!  Please email me your postal address to mabebecherie @ gmail dot com :)

Thank you everybody for participating !!!

The rest of the month will be busy with the Christmas holiday preparation as well as a lot of home re-arrangement so I won't be able to blog much!

I wish everybody to enjoy this month and to take it slow and relaxed :)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Re-ment Japanese Curry Giveaway

Dear Readers,

It's been a while since I have updated my blog.  I was going to post the Re-ment giveaway in November but so many things kept me away from blogging.   I won't bore you with the details but it has been a difficult time for me.  When I don't feel well, I can't blog at all so I had to wait until the right time comes again.

So without making you wait any further, here is my Re-ment giveaway: the Japanese Curry Dinner from the collection "What's for Dinner?".  It is sealed its original plastic package but the box has been opened (otherwise I won't be able to see what is inside!).  It includes all the miniature items you see in the photo below. 

I mentioned this set in one of my previous post here.  It's a really great set and with good details so I would like to offer it to one of my follower. 

To enter the giveaway:

1.  Be one of my follower via Google Join
2. Leave a comment below

I ship internationally and will take care of the shipping fee so you don't have to worry about that.

Deadline is next Friday at 12pm CET.  I will announce the winner on the next Saturday.

Good luck to everybody :)

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. I was not paid or received gifts to write this or mention any stores or website. You may find a better store in your area.