Friday, December 22, 2023

The Art of Yogisya

 Dear Readers,

I was intrigued by the illustrations of Yogisya so I purchased his book "The Art of Yogisya (Japanese Edition) in paperback format (softcover).

I did not know about this artist until I saw her illustrations on Instagram. I was instantly charmed by her mesmerizing drawings and bought her book. The following pictures of her book were shared on the store website where I bought so I think it's alright if I show them to you. 

This book is about fairy tales but also about other stories like a play from Shakespeare and even a poem (from Edgar Allan Poe).  The text is in Japanese only, but I think you can translate nowadays with some of the apps available with smartphones. 

Her drawings are dainty, inspiring and absolutely magical because it makes my heart happy just to look at them.

I don't know much more about this artist but you can find her on various social media platforms:





I think she has also illustrated a planner with the theme of Harry Potter.   

Do you like her illustrations?  If you know of other books by her, please let me know!

I wish you all a beautiful weekend wherever you are!  

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. I was not paid nor received gifts to write this or mention any store or website.  


  1. Thank you for sharing. I didn't know about Yogisya, the Japanese artist. Her illustrations are stunning.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Hi Drora, thank you for your comment! How are you doing? I wish you also a happy holiday season!

  2. Bonjour ma belle. Merci pour ton commentaire! Je n'ai pas encore essayé la traduction avec l'app mais je verrai. C'est aussi parce que ce sont des histoires que tout le monde connaît alors je trouve que ce n'est pas vraiment nécessaire d'obtenir la traduction!
